Lincoln County Adult Literacy Volunteers Begin Program to Assist Domestic Violence Survivors at The Nest 

By HEAL Staff Writer Jessica Martinez

Thirty-two million adults in the United States read below a basic level.[1]  Further, 70% of prison inmates and 19% of high school graduates cannot read. For these reasons, volunteer groups like the Lincoln County Adult Literacy (LCAL) who seek to help adults improve their reading, writing, and math skills are important in our communities.

Pictured are Lincoln County Adult Literacy Volunteer Tutors with New Mexico Coalition for Literacy trainer Jan Lujan.

LCAL’s volunteers are trained in one-to-one tutoring and offer those services free of charge to adults 18+ in Lincoln County and Mescalero. “The program’s purpose is to improve quality of life for individuals and the betterment of the community,” explained Program Coordinator Deborah Abingdon.

The group is active in the community, offering several initiatives.  “These include: a women’s literacy program at the Lincoln County Detention Center, an English as a Second Language program for workers at the Ruidoso Downs Race Track, a family literacy project involving Mescalero Seniors, three drop-in computer skills initiatives, and the services the program offers to residents of The Nest,” said Abingdon.

Recently, the group began visiting The Nest to offer their services to the survivors of domestic violence who reside there. “We know that transportation can be a challenge for many of the individuals The Nest serves,” said Abingdon. “It makes perfect sense for volunteers to go to the students.”

The group attempts to meet the needs of each student.  Of special focus is to help in creating updated, modern resumes or practicing job interviewing skills.  According to Shannon Miller, Nest Advocate, “The LCAL volunteers also help with identifying work attire and how to be assertive and confident during the interview.  Getting financially on their feet is one of the biggest challenges for survivors so this program is really important to a new beginning, a fresh start.”

“Statistics show that volunteer rates in the U.S. are at a ten year low. I don’t see this in Lincoln County,” Abingdon explained.  “With the influx of retirees that the community has, many new residents are looking for opportunities to make a contribution. Our community holds a collective wealth of knowledge and experience. Everyone has something of value to share. Residents can make a difference, and if they can, they should!”

For more information about the Lincoln County Adult Literacy Program, contact Deborah Abingdon at

[1]  U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy