Santa Claus made a very special early visit last week in Ruidoso Downs.

The streets came alive with the lights and sirens of the Ruidoso Downs Fire Department, as Chief Kenny Ellard escorted Santa in a fire truck to the Nest Domestic Violence Shelter.

According to HEAL Board Treasurer Lynn Myers, “It was a magical experience watching these children, all of whom are survivors just like their mothers. Their eyes were as big as saucers as they watched Santa climb out of the fire truck and wrap his arms around them.”

When Santa arrived, the children at the Nest were involved in the annual HEAL family Christmas party. All of the board members, and several staff members, joined their spouses in the Nest to celebrate the holidays with the residents.

Throughout the evening, the children took turns sitting on Santa’s lap, sharing their wish list for Christmas toys. Santa, being the wise old man he is, had already anticipated the desires of the children and came prepared with wonderful gifts for both the children and their mothers.

Santa was very busy and, thankfully, Dan Francis was available to fill his shoes for the evening with the children at the Nest. Francis is the husband of HEAL Office Manager, Susanne Francis. The Santa suit was donated by HEAL board member Josie Powell of Josie’s Framery.

Pictured is Dan Francis as Santa Claus at the Nest Christmas party for the children.