Princess Project returns to Sweet Charity

With prom season just around the corner, Sweet Charity Resale Boutique is once again offering free prom dresses to high school girls for those who cannot afford to buy new dresses – with no questions asked. In a “pay it forward” way, recipients are permitted to either keep their dresses or return them to Sweet Charity for someone else’s use next year. The program is available to all local youth who are in need. All the girls need to do is go to Sweet Charity and ask about the Princess Project.
Folks in the community who have gently used dresses are encouraged to donate them to Sweet Charity for use in the Princess Project.  The shop is located on the south side of highway 70, wedged in between Jorge’s Restaurant and Walmart.   A tax receipt is available for all donations made.
“We want to make sure that no teen will feel left out of such a fun night – a rite of passage,” Sweet Charity retail staffer Susan Pigeon said. “This program helps ensure that everybody can feel fabulous, confident and beautiful on prom night.”
Pictured is Susan Pigeon displaying two prom dresses that are available on the Princess Project at the Sweet Charity Resale Boutique.