Santa & Mrs. Claus Surprise the Children at the Nest

As an organization that is all about hope, Help End Abuse for Life (HEAL) is never short on holiday cheer, good times and bringing light to help combat times of darkness. Santa and Mrs. Claus loved the message so much that they decided to stop in for a visit at The Nest domestic violence shelter to drop off toys and gifts for all of the residents.
The two were spotted riding east bound on Highway 70 in a large fire truck provided by the Ruidoso Downs Fire Department.  Sirens were blazing and lights swirled in the cool evening air.  HEAL board members and residents and staff of The Nest, as well as their families and close friends, were tucked inside the secure shelter at their annual Christmas party.  When the ruckus began, everyone burst out into the parking lot to greet the jolly couple as they hopped out of the truck, bearing sacks full of gifts marked for each child and woman.
Santa offered a jolly, “Ho, ho, ho,” as he approached the party.  He had a large nap sack slung over his shoulder.  The two posed for pictures with an excited crowd and then took their seats by The Nest’s 8-foot Christmas tree, previously decorated by the “Cupcake Ladies,” members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Women’s Auxiliary who are staunch and avid supporters of the women and children who are living at the Nest.
After distributing all of the gifts, the duo sat down for a dinner provided by staff and board members. Dining on vegetable and fruit platters, and enough delicious desserts to put Martha Stewart to shame, the group also enjoyed games, conversations and story-time with Santa.
“Having Santa and Mrs. Claus show up at The Nest was a blessing,” said one mother at The Nest. “It was beautiful to see the kids light up. They were all so happy, so excited. It was a moment I won’t ever forget.”
Santa’s visit was one of many holiday activities hosted at The Nest, including surprise visits by long-term supporters and daily deliveries of gifts and food that are meant to make this very special season meaningful.
“The support this community shows our women and our children is invaluable,” said Shelter Manager Terry Thompson. “Getting to see Santa with our clients was an extra surprise on top of all the wonderful donated gifts we’ve received for our clients over the past few weeks.”
Knowing that they had put smiles on little faces and given holiday cheer to many of the children and mothers who needed it the most, Santa and Mrs. Claus returned to the North Pole for their final week of preparation to bring presents to all the children of the world.
Special thanks go to Jerry and Debbie Wright for their roles in making this special night happen.
Pictured are Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Nest domestic violence shelter in Ruidoso Downs.