Santa Visits the Nest

Twas a week before Christmas
And all thru the Nest
The children were excited
Awaiting a special guest.
The fire truck arrived
Lights and sirens galore
When out stepped Santa
With shiny gifts and more.
One by one,
each whispered Into Santa’s ear
Their biggest wish for Christmas
And prayers for the new year.
Santa’s hugs and warm wishes
Will forever be remembered
By those at the Nest
Those memories that will always be treasured.
Santa’s work was complete
Once the last package was opened
So he hugged one and all
Who were encouraged and hopeful.
As Andy Williams croons each holiday season, “it is the most wonderful time of the year.”  If you ask the children who are living at the Nest Domestic Violence Shelter, they would enthusiastically agree, especially after getting a very special visit from Old St. Nick this week.
Help End Abuse for Life (HEAL) operates the 28-bed shelter in Ruidoso Downs.  HEAL staff and Board of Directors celebrated this week with their annual HEAL Family Christmas Party that began with a potluck for all residents and their children and everyone associated with the Nest and Sweet Charity.  The spouses of staff and board members also attended, filling the shelter to the brim with laughter and hugs.
After dinner, you can only imagine the absolute delight of the children when they heard the barreling fire engine roaring down Highway 70 towards the shelter, lights a blazing and sirens screaming to announce the arrival of a very special guest.  Ruidoso Downs Fire & Police Departments proudly escorted none other than Mr. Santa Clause from the North Pole, all the way to the Nest.
Excitement filled the air as Santa stepped down from the fire truck with a large bag of beautifully-wrapped Christmas gifts for each of the residents. 
Santa’s schedule is quite busy this time of year so he called one of his favorite, local stand-in’s to help him bring joy to the Nest.  Many thanks to Mr. Dan Francis for showing up in the bright red suit for the second year in a row.  You made several people exceptionally happy tonight, Dan.  We appreciate your love and support.
From each of us at the Nest, we wish you all a very blessed Christmas. 
Pictured is the HEAL family consisting of staff and board members:  Front row – Selena Chino, Jessica Francis Martinez, Coleen Widell, Miriam Moreno, Josie Powell.  Back row – Terry Thompson, Mona Earnest, Britta Magnusson, Danny Sisson, Santa Dan Francis, Selena Crow, Mark Chino, Corina Montoya and Carrie Calkins.  Not appearing in the picture are board members  Julie Gilliland and Corinne Prudencio and staff members Susanne Francis, Maurice Gudgel, Nancy LaPointe, Suzi Owensby, Wellen  Chambers, Dora Coffer, Michael Hoppal and Dan Sloane, who was the official picture-taker for the evening’s festivities.