Sweet Charity Volunteer Encourages Others to Donate Time

By HEAL Staff Writer Jessica Martinez

Mary Gordon first visited Ruidoso in 1996 when she and her husband vacationed here from their home in Maryland.  They loved it so much they bought some land and made occasional trips in the following years.  In 1999, they moved to Erie, Colorado, and then finally decided to build a home here in 2011.

Gordon works part-time, owns and manages two businesses, and is a certified life coach.  She has also been actively volunteering at Sweet Charity since February 2016.  The retail boutique is run by Help End Abuse for Life. Inc. and directly benefits The Nest, Lincoln County’s first and only domestic violence shelter.

Pictured is Mary Gordon, volunteer at Sweet Charity Retail Boutique.

Having helped to open and run a nonprofit thrift store in Boulder, Colorado, Gordon sought to share her experience with the local group.  

“We are thrilled to have Mary volunteer her services and unique skill set to our retail boutique,” said Sue Francis, Operations Director at The Nest.  “Sweet Charity is an integral part of HEAL, with its proceeds benefiting the shelter and also many donations going directly to our women and children residents.”

Specifically, she introduced colored barbs on the clothing to indicate the month when clothing hits the racks at Sweet Charity.  Gordon was also an integral part of setting up a calendar of special events that is released monthly in the shop and on their Facebook page.

“Mary has been a great asset in getting our women’s and men’s boutique areas in order,” said June Shaughnessy, clerk at Sweet Charity.

Gordon advocates volunteerism.  “I feel strongly that it is important to volunteer because it is a win-win situation,” said Gordon.  “You are benefiting a cause that you feel passionate about and as a volunteer you feel a sense of personal satisfaction.”

Sweet Charity needs volunteers to help sort the many donations received each day.  Other volunteer activities will include pricing, staffing the store during business hours, picking up donations from various locations, disseminating brochures about the Resale Store and helping customers who choose to support HEAL by shopping at Sweet Charity.

“Volunteers are very important to an organization and, in essence, are the lifeline to ensure its growth. The more committed volunteers we have at Sweet Charity the faster new donations can be processed and displayed,” Gordon expressed.  “For anyone who wants to volunteer at Sweet Charity, I would say to be open to whatever is asked of you. You will begin to see areas where you really enjoy working. Eventually you will find your niche whether it be pricing hard goods and collectibles or working on clothing and accessories.”

If you are interested in volunteering at Sweet Charity contact them at (575) 378-0041.  The resale shop is located at 26156 US Highway 70 in Ruidoso Downs and is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10 AM to 5 PM.  Gently used donations are graciously accepted during business hours at Sweet Charity.  All proceeds go to support the women and kids living at the Nest Domestic Violence Shelter.

If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, contact The Nest’s toll-free 24/7 hotline at (866) 378-6378.